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MaryJane on Home & Family
October 19th, 2012

Garden Fresh
August 17th, 2012
MaryJanes shares her Garden Fresh bedding.

MaryJane's Story
May 1st, 2012
MaryJane talks about her life as an organic farmer.

Maple K Farms
June 25th, 2010
Hallie meets with Tom & Cheryl
Kammerzell of Maple K Farms to
learn about their grass-fed Highland cattle.


Clean Green
April 6th, 2010
The Clean Green staff of Troy is interviewed at MaryJane's Sweet Dreams.

February 1st, 2009

January 1st, 2009
Check out MaryJane's chickens.

Easy Biscuits
December 15th, 2008
Make these biscuits in less than 20 minutes.

Garlic Harvest
December 3rd, 2008
We love our garlic! But it's a lot of work.

Project F.A.R.M.
December 3rd, 2008
Learn about Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made).

MaryJanesFarm B&B
October 3rd, 2008
A mother and her three daughters visit the farm.

Prosser Farmgirls
September 12th, 2008
Rene Groom tells her story about starting a chapter in Prosser, Washington.

Corn Harvest
September 11th, 2008
There's nothing like fresh corn.

Brian and Ashley's Wedding
July 12th, 2008
MaryJane's stepson Brian gets married.